How to get a Google Knowledge Graph for musicians

Mathew Ekundayo - BLOG

A Google knowledge graph or panel is a great way to enhance your brand as a singer and get a more professional look online. When searching for your favourite bands and musicians on Google, you’ve probably noticed that many have a panel dedicated to their music on the right-hand side of the first results page. This is called a Google Knowledge Graph;


People Must Be Able To Find Your Artist Name On Google. Fans simply take you more serious when you are verified on Google as a music artist. knowledge graph

Google Knowledge Graphs (also known as Google Knowledge Panels) are filled with all the essential stuff you want your fans to see, including images, biography, tour dates, social profiles, songs, albums and more. They’re a great way to help new listeners get to know you at glance.

The first thing you should know is that Google will decide for itself how to display your panel. So you will need to use some SEO (search engine optimisation) techniques to make sure it can access all the information it needs.

You should also be aware that this isn’t an exact science, and getting a knowledge panel really depends on how well-known you are within the music world. With that in mind let’s look at some of the steps you can take to give yourself the best chance of success.

We have helped hundreds of artists get established, branded and verified by Google as a musical artist and qualifying them for their 'Artist Knowledge Graph' for a fee which is our set budget for the necessary work our marketing team will need to do to guarantee you get verified by Google.

  • we guarantee Google musical artist verification

  • you'll know your verified when knowledge graph shows up for your artist name

  • we need to get information about the artist

  • we need to digitally distribute your songs.

  • you may need an official music website

  • we may need your suggested photos

  • this is a process, that we have done 100's of times

  • we know exactly what you need to qualify

  • we just need to get you qualified.


Labels want to search your name on Google and see loads of trending content about you. Like a resume. Fans simply take you more serious when you are verified on Google as a music artist.

As long as you a are Music Artist, we guarantee you 100% Success of a Verified Google Artist Knowledge Panel. We have done this over and over, we know the drill!

Learn More and Get Started!


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