Trademark Registration
1710Media Provides Fast & Reliable Trademark Registration for Artists, Bands, and Music Brands.
Protect your artist name, band name, or logo with expert assistance from 1710Media. We handle everything, from filing your application with the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment to securing your trademark certificate.
- One-Time Payment: NGN 75,000—no hidden fees!
- Fast Processing: Get your trademark certificate in 8-12 weeks
What’s Included in Our Music Trademark Registration Service:
Official Trademark Certificate: Secure your certificate in 8-12 weeks, registered with Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment.
Comprehensive Protection: Covers your artist/band name or logo for performances (Class 41), recordings (Class 9), and merchandise, with options to add classes later.
Expert Filing: We conduct a trademark search, prepare all documentation, and ensure compliance with legal requirements.
To trademark your artist/band name or logo, provide the following:
Eligibility: Your name/logo must be distinctive, in use (e.g., performances, recordings), and not identical to existing trademarks; names need evidence of recognition or provisional Supplemental Register filing.
Type of Mark: Select Artist/Band Name (word mark) or Logo (design mark); separate applications for each.
Evidence of Use: Submit proof—e.g., website screenshots, CD covers, or ads showing the mark on at least two works (not single songs/albums).
Why Trademark with 1710Media?
Legal Protection: Gain exclusive rights to your name/logo, stopping unauthorized use with legal muscle.
Brand Recognition: Build a unique identity fans and sponsors trust, distinct from copycats.
Market Exclusivity: Prevent confusion with similar names/logos, securing your Nigerian market share.
Asset Value: Boost your brand’s worth as a sellable, licensable intellectual property asset.
Enforcement Power: Take action against infringers, from cease-and-desist letters to court remedies.
Creative Control: Ensure your name/logo stays tied to your music, not others’ misuse.